Friday 12 April 2013

ECUADOR Mindo, western Andes cloud forest

Various web comments made us think of paying $120 for a return taxi ride to Mindo.  Instead we got the bus for $2.50 each one way - a comfortable fear-free ride.  A $3 taxi brought us to our unique accommodation at La Roulette, with its Swiss atmosphere.

 The highways in Ecuador are very good but roads around Mindo are rough.   The town has made a commitment to eco & adventure tourism, so slow driving balances zip lining and tubing down rapids.  There were many backpackers and some hippies.
We booked 3 days in Mindo and hired Julia Patino, a very good bird guide, for 2 mornings. A Bavarian couple staying at La Roulotte was excellent company in the dining room and on the first walk.

Lebardo looked after us very well and encouraged me to use Spanish.  The owner is a Swiss chef but I think others cooked when we were there.
Tilapia with coriander, almonds, lime

Lebardo flaming chocolate mousse

Julia showed us many special birds, 56 species in 2 mornings.
Bran-coloured Flycatcher
Lemon-rumped Tanager
Masked trogon
Choco Toucans
Pale-mandibled Aracari, taken through scope with my phone
                           Ornate Flycatcher

Big spider
 On the second day Julia picked us up at 5am and it was still dark 40 minutes later when she led us down a steep hill on the property of Angel Paz.  Surrounded by wet forest, I was glad to grab occasional cables to guide me away from ravines.  We had to get to a certain place by 6am to see the Andean cock of the rock perform.  His `dance` was quickly over, no time for us to get a photo.
However, banana feasts were available for many other birds.
Emerald Toucanet
Toucan Barbet
Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager
Sickle-winged Guan
Dark-backed Wood-Quail
A guide from Angel Paz led us up the track, making strange calls and carrying a small container of live worms.  He first attracted a dear little bird, the Ochre-breasted Antpitta, which is known as Shakira because it shakes its body from side to side.

More worms and different calls enticed the Moustached Antpitta.  We also saw an Ocellated Tapaculo.
After a late and very good breakfast at the Paz property, we returned to watch hummingbirds at La Roulotte.

 On our last day we walked to a nearby butterfly farm which was very interesting and beautiful.

One Owl butterfly decided to investigate my nose.

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