Friday 26 April 2013

COSTA RICA Sierpe River

Readers may wonder what else we did while staying at Uvita.  One morning we rose at 4:30 to drive south to Sierpe for a 6:30am tour upriver.  The trip was mainly on the Pan-American Highway, then right after a bridge at Palmar Norte for the Sierpe road.  To our surprise and delight, all the roads were good and we arrived by 6am after failing to cross the bridge and getting lost.
The company offering this tour and many other options is a thriving group called La Perla del Sur.  They operate a lodge nearby which would be a good choice if you want to spend more time at Corcovado.

Our captain and guide was Jose whose enthusiasm for the animals was unbounded.  He was expert at manouevring the boat into the best position for viewing and photographing.  There were 2 other tourists on this trip, pleasant French people with their own guide.  Above, Jose is tempting a capuchin with fruit juice.
Mother and baby ended up on his shoulder sipping juice

Jose was also interested in these grasshoppers, which are migratory.  He made sure we appreciated the wings.

We saw many interesting birds, including this Green Heron ...

a Southern Lapwing ...
Purple Gallinule

Bare-throated Tiger-heron

Jose was really excited when he spotted (without binoculars) another Bare-throated Tiger-heron with baby in nest.
David noticed this Common/Mangrove Black Hawk (juvenile).

We liked seeing the Orange-chinned Parrot but were ecstatic over a tree full of Scarlet Macaws.

There were also many reptiles.
Jose tried hard to find a position where we could see the head of this tree boa.
Jesus basilisks were fairly common.  This one was about 30 cm.
Caiman, 2m
A fairly long American crocodile

Not many mammals but we liked the long-nosed bats seen at the boatshed and under a bridge.

And we had fun with the howler monkey, both guides imitating the call to provoke a response.

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